What is the best course of action if we are truly powerless to affect our circumstances?
How can we act if we are powerless? We cannot. Yet, however weak we are, we should always be the masters of our mentality. Whatever influence others hold upon us, it is surely possible to limit our perceptions and attitudes; failing to even have dominion over our minds, how are we even sentient?
It is foolish then, in the face of overwhelming circumstances, to wallow in self-pity and despair. However alien it may be, adopt a happy mindset! If thing are indeed so dire that such self-deception is impossible, then at least take the time to laugh on the joke that life is.
How cynical, you may say. But of the two alternatives, a) to accept facts and be tormented b) to deceive yourself and be happy, surely b) is preferable.
However ridiculous these words may sound, it should be considered. Too often we are confronted with things beyond our power to change or effect. Then we sulk and rage at these very things that are beyond us, as if our outburst changes anything. It does not. It is merely venting. Rather, we should recognize these very occasions for what they are, and to accept that there was nothing we could have done. Why burden yourself with the impossible?