In one of the less reputable corners of the market was a shop run by a poorly dressed doctor. He sold a variety of magnet-based therapeutic devices which were effective at treating all sorts of illnesses (primarily non-existent ones).
His greatest contribution to medicine was a sort of soft mesh hat with many small woven pockets, each of which could accommodate an equally diminutive magnet. By carefully manipulating the pattern of the magnets, the device could pattern and store a new memory in the brain.
Unfortunately, the device had at least two flaws. First, there was no effect when the hat was not worn.
Now, I could joke that the second flaw was that the hat also had no effect when it was worn! But I would be quite dishonest to claim that. Having tested the device myself, I can confirm that wearing the hat did impose a new memory to the wearer. I recall that it was quite an uncomfortable fit.